Biserial algebras via subalgebras and the path algebra of $D_4$
Julian Külshammer. (2011). "Biserial algebras via subalgebras and the path algebra of D4." Journal of Algebra. 331(1).
Julian Külshammer. (2011). "Biserial algebras via subalgebras and the path algebra of D4." Journal of Algebra. 331(1).
Julian Külshammer (2013). "Representation type of Frobenius-Lusztig kernels." The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. 64(2).
Julian Külshammer (2013). "Auslander--Reiten theory of Frobenius--Lusztig kernels." Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 45(6).
Julian Külshammer (2014). "Auslander--Reiten theory of small half quantum groups." Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 142(4).
Steffen Koenig, Julian Külshammer, and Sergiy Ovsienko (2014). "Quasi-hereditary algebras, exact Borel subalgebras, $A_\infty$-algebras and boxes." Advances in Mathematics. 262.
Julian Külshammer (2017). "In the bocs seat: Quasi-hereditary algebras and representation type." In: Representation theory--current trends and perspectives (EMS Series of Congress Reports).
Julian Külshammer (2017). "Pro-species of algebras I: Basic Properties." Algebras and Representation Theory. 20.
Gustavo Jasso and Julian Külshammer (2018). "Nakayama-type phenomena in higher Auslander--Reiten theory." In: Contemporary Mathematics. 705.
Agnieszka Bodzenta and Julian Külshammer (2018). "Ringel duality as an instance of Koszul duality." Journal of Algebra. 506.
Julian Külshammer, Chrysostomos Psaroudakis, and Øystein Skartsæterhagen (2019). "Derived Invariance of support varieties." Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 147.
Gustavo Jasso and Julian Külshammer (2019). "Higher Nakayama algebras I: Construction." Advances in Mathematics. 351.
Tomasz Brzeziński, Steffen Koenig, and Julian Külshammer (2020). "From quasi-hereditary algebras with exact Borel subalgebras to directed bocses." Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 52(2).
Nan Gao, Julian Külshammer, Sondre Kvamme, and Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (2022). "A functorial approach to monomorphism categories of species I." Communications in Contemporary Mathematics. 24.
Julian Külshammer and Vanessa Miemietz (2023). "Uniqueness of exact Borel subalgebras and bocses." Preprint, arXiv: 2109.03586, to appear in: Memoirs of the AMS.
Julian Külshammer (2023). "Towards bound quivers for exact categories." In: Preprint, survey for Proceedings of ICRA 2022.
Nan Gao, Julian Külshammer, Sondre Kvamme, and Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (2024). "A functorial approach to monomorphism categories of species II:Indecomposables." Proc. LMS. 129 (4).
Summer term 2018
Fall term 2018 (Period 2)
Spring term 2019 (Period 4)
Fall term 2019 (Periods 1+2)
Fall term 2019 (Periods 1+2)
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Spring term 2020 (Period 4)
Fall term 2020 (Period 1)
Fall term 2021 (Periods 1+2)
Spring term 2023 (Period 3)
Fall term 2023 (Period 2)
Spring term 2024 (Period 3+4)
Spring term 2024 (Period 4)
Autumn term 2024 (Period 1)
Autumn term 2024 (Period 1+2)
Spring term 2025 (Period 3)
Spring term 2025 (Period 4)
Winter term 2007/08
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Spring term 2019 (Periods 3+4)
Spring term 2020 (Period 3)
Spring term 2020 (Period 3)
Spring term 2020 (Period 4)
Fall term 2020 (Period 1)
Spring term 2024 (Period 3)
Spring term 2025 (Period 3)
Spring term 2025 (Period 4)
Seminar talk at University of Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany
Contributed talk at ICRA XIV, Tokyo, Japan
Seminar talk at Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Contributed talk at Schwerpunkttagung 2011, Münster, Germany
Contributed talk at Doktorandentagung Darstellungstheorie, Bonn, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Contributed talk at Representation Theory Days 2011, Hannover, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Contributed talk at ICRA XV, Bielefeld, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Münster, Münster, Germany
Plenary talk at MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
Contributed talk at DFG-priority program SPP1388, Soltau, Germany
Plenary talk at ICRA XVI, Sanya, China
Plenary talk at Schwerpunkttagung 2015, Bad Honnef, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Invited talk at AMS-EMS-SPM joint meeting, Porto, Portugal
Seminar talk at University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom
Contributed talk at Representation theory days 2015, Stuttgart, Germany
Seminar talk at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Invited talk at Representation theory conference, Uppsala, Sweden
Plenary talk at ICRA XVII, Syracuse, USA
Seminar talk at University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Seminar talk at MPIM Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Seminar talk at Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Münster, Münster, Germany
Plenary talk at MFO, Oberwolfach, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Invited talk at 20th NWDR workshop, Hannover, Germany
Seminar talk at HIM Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Contributed talk at Representation Theory Days 2017, Eichstätt, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Seminar talk at Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany
Invited talk at Workshop Tensor Categories, Hopf algebras and quantum groups, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Erlangen--Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany
Seminar talk at Séminaire d'Algèbre, Paris, France
Invited talk at Workshop on non-associative algebras and applications, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
Plenary talk at ICRA XVIII, Prague, Czechia
Invited talk at Homotopy meets homology, Dublin, Ireland
Plenary talk at Summer School: Strong homotopy methods in homological algebra, Nordfjordeid, Norway
Seminar talk at University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Plenary talk at Tilting theory, Singularity categories and noncommutative resolutions, Banff International Research Station, Oaxaca, Mexico
Seminar talk at University of Stuttgart, Germany, Stuttgart, Germany
Seminar talk at University of Stuttgart, Germany, Stuttgart, Germany
Plenary talk at ICRA 2020 Research Snapshot, online
Seminar talk at Tokyo-Nagoya algebra seminar, online
Invited talk at A conference in celebration of the work of Bill Crawley-Boevey, online
Plenary talk at Abel Symposium: Triangulated categories in representation theory and beyond, Ålesund, Norway
Plenary talk at ICRA 2022 Workshop, Montevideo, Uruguay
Invited talk at 28th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Helsinki, Finland
Invited talk at Combinatorial aspects of representation theory, Oslo, Norway
Plenary talk at Postmodern Ringel duality, bocses and contramodules, Stuttgart, Germany
Invited talk at Homological algebra and representation theory, Karlovasi, Greece
Invited talk at University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Invited talk at Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden